Supervising with Retries and Timeouts

With the ability to sleep non-blockingly, one might immediately think about implementing supervision of tasks with retrying behavior upon failure.

Gears provide some building blocks, as well as interfaces to customize the retry policies.


The most simple supervision function is withTimeout, which takes a duration and an async block (Async ?=> T). It runs the async block racing with the timeout, and throws TimeoutException if the timeout runs out before the async block, cancelling the async block afterwards.

    val body = request.get("")
    // ...

withTimeoutOption is a variant that wraps the output in Option[T] instead, returning None on timeout.


Similar to withTimeout, Retry takes a block and executes it, "blocking" the caller until its policy has finished.

Retry allows you to specify:

  • when to consider the block as complete (until success, until failure, never)
  • how many consecutive failures should fail the policy
  • how much to delay in between attempts through the Delay trait
    • Some delay policies are provided, such as a constant delay and an exponential backoff algorithm.
    .withDelay(Delay.exponentialBackoff(maximum = 1.minute, starting = 1.second, jitter = Jitter.full)):
      val body = request.get("")
      // ...