Concurrency with Future

Future is the primary source of concurrency in a Gears program. There are actually two kinds of futures: passive and active. However, we shall look at active futures for now, and come back with passive futures in the next chapter.

Spawning a concurrent computation with Future.apply

Future.apply takes a body of the type Async.Spawn ?=> T (that is, an async computation) and runs it completely concurrently to the current computation. Future.apply returns immediately with a value of type Future[T]. Eliding details (that we shall come back next chapter), there are two things you can do with this Future[T]:

  • Await: calling .await on the Future[T] suspends the current Async context until the Future's body returns, and give you back the returned value T. If body throws an exception, .await will also throw as well. .awaitResult is the alternative where both cases are wrapped inside a Try.

    Being a suspension point, .await requires an Async context.

  • Cancel: calling .cancel() on the Future[T] sends a cancellation signal to the Future. This would cause body's execution to receive CancellationException on the next suspension point, and cancel all of the body's spawned Futures and so on, in a cascading fashion.

    After cancelling, .await-ing the Future will raise a CancellationException.

An example

We can have a look at one simple example, implementing my favorite sorting algorithm, sleepsort!

//> using scala 3.4.0
//> using dep "ch.epfl.lamp::gears::0.2.0"
//> using nativeVersion "0.5.1"

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import gears.async.*
import gears.async.default.given

@main def sleepSort() =
  Async.blocking: /* (spawn: Async.Spawn) ?=> */
    val origin = Seq(50, 80, 10, 60, 40, 100)
    // Spawn sleeping futures!
    val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
      .map: n =>
        Future /*(using spawn)*/: /* (Async) ?=> */
            buf += n

Let's walk through what's happening here:

  1. Starting from a Seq[Int], we .map the elements each to create a Future[Unit]. Calling Future: gives us a new Async context, passed into the Future's body. This Async context inherits the suspension implementation from Async.blocking's context, and has a sub-scope with Async.blocking's context as its parent. We will talk about scoping in the next section.
  2. In each Future, we sleep for the amount of milliseconds the same as the element's value itself. Note that sleep would suspend the Async context given by the Future, i.e. the future's body, but not the one running under Async.blocking. Hence, it is totally okay to have thousands of Futures that sleep!
  3. .map gives us back a Seq[Future[Unit]] immediately, which we can wait for all futures to complete with the extension method [.awaitAll]. This suspends Async.blocking context until all futures run to completion, and gives us back Seq[Unit]. The return value is not interesting though, what we care about is the buf at the end.


If you noticed, Async.blocking gives you an Async.Spawn context (rather than just Async), which Future.apply requires. What is it?

Recall that Async, as a capability, gives you the ability to suspend the computation to wait for other values. Async.Spawn adds a new capability on top: it allows you to spawn concurrent computations as well.

Getting a Spawn capability is actually very simple. You get an Async.Spawn capability on Async.blocking by default, and both Future.apply and gives you an Async.Spawn capability sub-scoped from a parent Async scope. Note that, however, most functions do not take an Async.Spawn context by default. This is due to the nature of Spawn's capability to spawn computations that runs as long as the Spawn scope is alive, which typically corresponds to the lexical scope of the function. If functions take Async.Spawn, they are allowed to spawn futures that are still computing even after the function itself returns!

def fn()(using Async.Spawn) =
    val f = Future:

    val n = fn()
    // f is still running at this point!!!

This is way more difficult to reason about, so the "sane" behavior is to not take Async.Spawn by default, and only "upgrading" it (with inside a scope that will take care of cleaning up these "dangling" futures on return.

Most of Gear's library are structured this way, and we strongly recommend you to do the same in your function designs.